
Kissy - Kissy - Icky!

There are certain times throughout the school year where showing a movie is not only wanted but needed desperately (think the afternoons after a morning jam-packed with state tests! We ALL need a break by then!)  My favorite parts of the movies are scenes where Beauty finally finds and kisses her prince, the Beast, which leads to the collective groans of "Eeeeewwww!!"  by girls and boys alike.  Remember that in five years, Kiddos.

Drew and I are celebrating our five year anniversary today.  Wow.  Five years.  Seems like yesterday...well, not really... :)

We are the lucky ones.  Each of our parents have been married for over 40 years.  You can certainly say that the example of a solid relationship was set for us.  But as a kid it was totally gross and mortifying to have your parents walk hand-in-hand along the street.  And kissing in front of you??  BLAH!  MOM!! I couldn't even fathom them being anything more than just really good "friends" who just happened to live together and share the same bed purely for the sole purpose of sleeping (gulp.) 

But as you grow older and experience different kinds of relationships you begin to realize how lucky you are to have parents who love and care for one another.  You look on in awe when Dad pulls out the chair for Mom and coyly smile when Mom says, "I love and miss you" to Dad over the phone when he is away on business.  And you realize that, "Wow.  Someday I want that kind of relationship."

So today, on our five year anniversary, I'd like to thank both sets of parents for laying the framework and teaching us what it takes to be in a solid, honest, relationship.  So thank you.  But please be reminded that beds really are for sleeping...

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