
Circling Chances

I recently updated my Facebook cover photo to a quote reading "take a chance."  I wasn't searching for anything specifically when I googled "inspirational quotes," but was just looking for something that made me hover the cursor a little longer than usual. 

What amazed me, however, was the amount of people that "liked" my quote.  Why?  What did it mean to them?  What did it mean to me? 

Every day I strive to be inspirational - to others.  I say things like, "Believe in yourself!," "You CAN do this!," "I'm so proud of you!," "You're amazing!"  but I realize that I don't say those things to myself.  Why?  Why do so many of us put ourselves last?  How is it that we don't practice what we preach?

It makes me think about "kid problems."  Losing the purple sparkling pencil seems trivial but to an eight year old it's the end of the world.  Disastrous.  There is no going on until that sparkling sucker is found.  I always have to remind myself to breathe deeply and look at it through their eyes.  It's a big deal to them so it becomes important.  So I say reassuring things like, "It's okay.  We can get another pencil.  Don't let this ruin your entire day.  Let's turn this day around."

And then my mind becomes encompassed with adult problems - REAL issues.  But instead of motivating myself, my head swirls.  No believing.  No reassurance.  No taking chances. 

So now I'm on quest to find out why and revive my own spirit by me, for me each and every day.  I'm taking a chance...Are you?

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