
A "Leaf" of Faith

New Year's.  Crazy hats.  Silly glasses.  Lit up champagne flutes.  "Live" performances.  Countdowns.  Celebrations.  Reflections.  RESOLUTIONS.

Awhile ago we were sharing a class read aloud.  The main character was always in trouble at school and one day brought home yet another note from his teacher. 

"It's time for you turn over a new leaf," his mother told him. 

Always looking for teachable moments I paused and asked, "What does it mean to turn over a new leaf?" 

I got a few blank stares and some shoulder shrugs.  Wait time...wait time...wait time... And then one brave hand in the air.

"It means when the leaves change color and they look new."

I paused, thinking about what she meant.  The changing color of leaves means the end of life, not a time of rebirth.  But what an interesting perception.

I went on to explain that to "turn over a new leaf" means to start anew.  To give yourself a fresh start because, well, frankly we all need to start fresh once in awhile. 

The blank stares changed into perplexed ones.   They weren't buying it.  At that moment I rethought the phrase "turning over a new leaf."  Can you really ever turn it over or do you grow, change and learn from it instead?

And so it comes this time of year when people make promises, resolutions, to "turn over a new leaf."  To confront the challenges they face head-on and vow to make a positive change in their lives and in the lives of others. 

Those who know me best know New Year's is my least favorite day.  I ironically find it depressing to reflect on the past year, loved ones lost, goals unfulfilled.  But for once I am resolving to embrace the new year by finding my leaf and embracing its changes.  It's just time to do so.

May you all find your leaves in every brilliant shape and vibrant color.  Happy New Year.  Welcome 2013. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice perspective, thanks Lynn, Happy New Year!
