
It's what time??!!

It's 5:14 AM as I write this piece in the spirit of getting ready to go back to school.  For the past few days I have driven by the local school with one eye closed, too afraid to see the metamamorphisis of their announcement board from Thanks for a great year!  Enjoy your summer! to Wecome back!  School begins September 6!  I finally mustered up the courage to open both eyes and face the sign head on. In a way it got me back into the school spirit as much as one can be after having a generous two months of freedom. :)

And now it's all about getting back to business.

But in baby steps.

A few months ago Drew got up around the same time as me.  The first words out of his mouth?  "Oh my gosh!  It's still dark out!  Who gets up before the sun is out?"

Umm...teachers do.  Thanks for noticing.

But rolling out of bed and stumbling through the bedroom in darkness for the first time in eight weeks made me wonder the same thing.  Will my brain even function at this hour?  Thank goodness for coffee!

And now it's time to get right back to it!

Goodbye late nights. 

See you later sugary goodies at 9PM. 

Hasta la vista morning television.

Hello reality! 

1.  Begin to reinstill an appropriate bedtime for the kids.  A full night's rest is imperative for a successful school day.

2.  Eat a healthy breakfast.  Skip the sugary cereals, white breads, and sugary fruit juices and opt for eggs, strawberries and blueberries and some oatmeal.  Get the brain juices flowing and revved up for the thinking that lies ahead.  Here are some breakfast recipe ideas:

3.  Eat brain foods!!  Fruits and vegetables are a no brainer, but did you know that some dried fruits, tuna, yogurt and oatmeal also have some brain power?  Check out this reference site for more information:

4.  Set up a study area for homework time.  Encourage your child to be a part of the process to create ownership and to build excitement.  If possible, allow him to have his own space.  Be sure that this area has a crate of everything that might be needed for homework including extra pencils, sharpeners, erasers, glue sticks, crayons, markers, scissors, paper and a ruler.  It will save the aggravation of tearing the house apart later!

5.   Enourage and enforce reading time for at least 15 minutes each day.  Research shows that children can drop up to 3 reading levels over the course of the summer.  Reading is a skill that needs to be practiced so get reading!

Best wishes as we all gear up for the start of school! 

1 comment:

  1. Always fun to read your updates! Good luck getting back in the swing of things! Here's to a great year!
